China Product Sourcing

China Product Sourcing

We are a global company that can assist you in sourcing, designing, manufacturing, and importing products at competitive prices. The mission of our company is to help companies turn innovative ideas into reality. We are responsible for all aspects of product development. This includes building prototypes, developing manufacturing plans, performing quality assurance controls, and deploying smooth manufacturing operations. Up to 50% of your costs can be saved by importing from China. Do you wish to learn more? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are a global company that can assist you in sourcing, designing, manufacturing, and importing products at competitive prices. Up to 50% of your costs can be saved by importing from China. Do you wish to learn more? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

China Product Sourcing2024-03-27T08:05:45+00:00
China Product Sourcing

China Product Sourcing Service

Do you purchase parts, raw materials, or finished products from Chinese manufacturers? With Aroom Global sourcing solution, you have trusted experts on the ground to help you source, procure, and manage your supply chain. Whatever your business is – Amazon, Ecommerce, or wholesale trading – our team help all type of businesses in product sourcing from China. You will be assisted by our customer service representatives throughout the entire sourcing process. Thus, our professional team will provide you with an initial request, samples, processing, inspection, and shipping to your specified location. We’ll provide competitive prices for high-quality products, evaluate and research expert suppliers, and negotiate the best price and terms

Services for sourcing cutting-edge products

China product sourcing service covers supplier research, evaluation, and negotiation

Aroom Global source products in days, not weeks. With the product sourcing services in China, clients can get products to market 10x faster, start selling sooner, and spend less time on unimportant things

Aroom Global - Product Sourcing from China
Product sourcing

Utilize our expertise to get quality products at competitive prices and favorable terms, while safeguarding your time and investment

Aroom Global - Sourcing solution
One-stop sourcing solution

The quality, functionality, and performance of the product should be ensured before investing and committing to full-scale production

Aroom Global - Supplier Research when sourcing from China
Supplier research

Utilize local markets, trade shows and undiscovered suppliers, while we analyze and identify the best-suited suppliers for your business needs

Aroom Global - Supplier Evaluation
Supplier evaluation

Ensure minimal risk by performing rigorous supplier evaluations, validating capabilities, obtaining certifications, and adhering to industry standards

Aroom Global - Material Sourcing
Material sourcing

Improve the quality of your products with our expertise, ensuring that you have access to the finest materials at the most competitive prices

Aroom Global - Supplier Negotiation
Supplier negotiations

The insight we have gained into the Chinese market enables us to negotiate prices and terms. To maximize your investment value, we strive to balance cost and quality

Getting Started with Product Sourcing

Is it possible to buy and source products from China?

With our expert supplier research, factory evaluation, and skilled negotiation, Aroom Global team provide worldwide clients with high-quality products at competitive prices

For Beginners/Startups

Make a list of specifications and send it to our professional team. Therefore, they will find the best supplier based on your product requirements and send you the best-filtered quote to make your decision easier

For Entrepreneurs

Take note of every detail about the product, then make the specification. If you want your product to be manufactured in a certain color code or size, tell us exactly what you want

For Wholesale Buyers

If you are planning to buy multiple products or have a product to be assembled from multiple suppliers, we would require you to send us a list of products that you would plan to purchase.

For Business Owners

We can help you setup your factory by supplying production lines or raw materials. We’ll get you everything you need. Let us know what you’re going to manufacture and we’ll find you the best choice

We deliver tailored China product sourcing solutions

What should be included in a product specification?

Aroom Global help clients find the best factory for their procurement needs. Thus, the company add value by recommending a supplier with not only the right price but also flexibility that will help clients focus on core competency


It is important that the size of the product is expressed in cm or mm


If possible, indicate the color code in pantone or hexadecimal

Packing Standards

Ensure that packaging and packing standards are defined

Plugs & Voltage

It is necessary to define the requirements for electrical and non-electrical goods


It is essential that each component of the product be specified with the exact material it is made out of

Product Application

It is necessary to specify environmental requirements, applications, and safety compliance

Patent Protection

Is your product patent protected ? Trademarks and logos must be provided


If test reports are required for your product, specify them. Legal compliance must also be considered

Ready to Source Products from China?

All good things start with “hello”. Get started with Aroom Global today. We can assist you in obtaining wholesale or customized products at the most competitive price.

China Product Sourcing FAQs

Aroom Global is a sourcing and manufacturing agent with over 7 years of experience. Listed below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding China product sourcing.

Can you tell me where you find the suppliers?2023-08-05T16:28:14+00:00

Our suppliers are selected from various sources (e.g., trade shows, fairs, online, etc.). These include Alibaba, Global Sources, Taobao, 1688, AliExpress, Directories, Industry Clusters, and Industry Associations. It is easy to find suppliers and obtain quotes on your own. We take care of the tedious but significant details and make the entire procurement process safe, fast and easy. Sit back and let us handle the entire supply chain story for you. Rather than acting as an “asymmetric information seller”, we strive to be your “hassle-killer”. Verification and evaluation of suppliers play a crucial role, and we will do the same for you. Our goal is to find the right supplier for your requirements according to your expectations.

Would you be willing to share my pricing with our potential competitors?2023-08-07T11:28:59+00:00

In order to protect our intellectual property and our customers’ confidentiality, we take the initiative to sign a confidentiality agreement with them. 

What is the appropriate time to require my supplier to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?2023-08-07T11:33:44+00:00

In order to identify qualified suppliers for your products, we have access to your product specifications. We must also share your specifications with potential manufacturers in order to obtain pricing information.

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) can prevent the supplier from disclosing product information during prototype development. NDAs are not a substitute for proper protection of intellectual property.

Even so, many importers believe that the main threat comes from the Chinese manufacturers, when in fact the real threat comes from domestic competition.

The best option is to protect your intellectual property in your target markets.

What is product sourcing?2023-08-19T16:44:52+00:00

Product sourcing is the process of finding manufacturers who build, design, or manufacture your products. Furthermore, it involves researching appropriate manufacturers, pricing, costs, negotiating, and determining the best price for the products you wish to sell.

A sourcing agent is required by whom?2023-08-19T16:48:14+00:00

Those who wish to purchase and resell quality products made in China but are not able to travel there, do not know Chinese, or do not understand the Chinese business model.

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